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Product Detail

Champion Oxford Grey Long Sleeve Print T-Shirt

Cover Image For Champion Oxford Grey Long Sleeve Print T-Shirt

Champion Oxford Grey Long Sleeve Print T-Shirt

Price: $24.99


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Product Description

Item: 2002954

This Champion long sleeve t-shirt features a two-sleeve design perfect for showing your PrezPride! The front displays a vintage look with “W&J College” in red font outlined in black with the old main towers underneath and “Presidents” written in the middle. The right sleeve has “PRESIDENTS” written down the sleeve. The left sleeve has five designs. The first design is a black circle with “Presidents” in white font with “W&” in red, “J” in white, and “EST. 1781” in white. The second design is “W&J” written in black font. The third design, Old Main towers with “Presidents” written in the middle, is also featured on the front of the shirt. The fourth design is “WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON" in black font bisected by "1781" in white on a black oval. The last design simply reads “DubJay”.
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